45934"> 这是一篇我在美国网站baby corner上面看到的文章。在西方的孕妇网站,关于孕期性爱有很多专题文章,有著名的医生和产科专家编辑撰写的。这里我转载一篇,并且翻译给大家,来解答很多jm对孕期性爱的疑虑)!
sex during pregnancy… is it possible???? 孕期性爱, 可能么?
a pregnant woman's sex drive can change as often as her moods. through the different stages of pregnancy, different questions and concerns arise as to the safety of having sex while pregnant. before i address some of the more common questions, i will state that the consensus among most physicians is that sex is absolutely safe at all stages of pregnancy, provided the pregnancy is not high-risk, intercourse is not painful, and both partners are willing.
一个怀孕的女人的性欲望可能时常因为她的情绪而变化。 虽然,在怀孕的不同阶段,关于怀孕期间安全的性爱的许多问题和忧虑都会被涉及到。在我开始设定许多较为普遍的问题之前,我将声明大多数医生一致认为的是,性爱对于怀孕的所有的阶段都是安全的,倘若怀孕本身不是高危的,做爱不是痛苦的,双方都应是乐意的。
during the first trimester, your sex life can remain as active as it has always been. however, morning sickness and fatigue can put a damper on anyone's libido. despite popular belief, there is no increased risk of miscarriage due to intercourse. if you have a history of miscarriage however, your physician may ask that you abstain from sex until the pregnancy is deemed healthy, and your physician gives the 'ok.'
For most women, the second trimester is the most pleasant one. The morning sickness usually subsides, and fatigue gives way to energy spurts. Most women feel comfortable, and rather willing, to resume sexual relations during the second trimester. During this time, you are not yet overly bulky, and your pregnant body may be very attractive to your partner. Unless you hear otherwise from your doctor, sex during this time is absolutely safe.
对于多数女人,怀孕第二个阶段是最舒适的。 晨吐通常消失了,疲惫感也被旺盛的精力而取代。多数女人感觉舒适,并且相当乐意在怀孕第二阶段恢复性关系。在这个阶段,你可能还没有增重太多,而且你怀孕的身体可能对你的伴侣相当有吸引力。除非你听从你的医生的另外的嘱咐,在孕期第二阶段,性爱是绝对安全的。
The third trimester can bring a whole new set of issues to your situation. If you have never yet been to this arena, you will find that the ability to be spontaneous, creative, and outright mobile can be at best, difficult. Often times, it is not the pregnant woman concerned with sex at this point, but rather their partner. I can remember my husband being so sure that sex during the third trimester would either harm our unborn daughter, or scar her for life. I, on the other hand, had a third trimester sex drive that would rival the libido of an eighteen-year-old boy. Looking back, I am not sure if it was the sex I was interested in, or rather the prospect of bringing on labor through intercourse. In either case, I was huge, clumsy, awkward, and I was unstoppable! 第三阶段可能会给你带来很多全新的问题。如果你从未经历过这个挑战,你将发觉自身的潜能,创造力,并且自身能动力可能是最多的也是困难的。很多时候,不是孕妇本身更关心性爱,而是他们的伴侣。我仍记得我的丈夫当时相当确定性爱在孕期第三阶段不会给我们未出生的女儿任何伤害,或者对她的生命造成创伤。我,另一方面,有着可匹敌18岁男生的性欲的怀孕第三期的性动力。回首过往,我也不确定我是对性爱感兴趣呢,还是通过性爱来表达对分娩的期待。不论如何,我那时身材庞大,笨拙,窘迫,而且我是无法停止的。
Here are some of the most common questions regarding sex during pregnancy, many of which I asked my own doctor. Do not be ashamed to discuss intercourse during pregnancy with your doctor or midwife; most likely they will have all of the answers you will need!
这里是许多最普遍的对于孕期性爱的问题。有很多我问过我的私人医生。不要因为和你的医生或者助产士论孕期性爱而羞愧,大多数时候,他们会乐意给你所有你需要的答复。 Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?
Most doctors will give you a resounding "yes!" Unless, of course, you have a history of premature labor, bleeding, uterine infections, or other conditions which could spark the onset of problems.
Will sex feel as good when I am pregnant?
Surprisingly, sex may actually feel better during pregnancy. While pregnant, the increased blood flow to the pelvic area can heighten the sensation during sex. However, there are women who feel some discomfort for the same reason. If you have any discomfort during sex, be sure to discuss this with your doctor or midwife.
I have no sex drive since I've become pregnant, and my partner is frustrated. Is this my fault?
Of course your feelings regarding sex will change. Your body is being flooded with hormones. You may be growing at an alarming rate. Many women feel unattractive, especially later in pregnancy. But know this; many men find the body of a pregnant woman to be sensual, attractive and amazing. Discuss your feelings with your partner. And remember that you can be intimate without making love.
I just can't get comfortable during sex. What other positions could make sex less awkward?
我只是很难感到舒适在性爱的过程中。 有那些别的姿势可以让性爱少些尴尬?
If the missionary position has become more like climbing Everest, you may need to re-think exactly how you are going about things. Perhaps you may want to reverse the roles, with your partner on the bottom, instead of you. Another option, that also takes the pressure off of your belly, is the "spoon" position. Each of you lay on your side, with your partner behind you. Additionally, you could lay at the end of the bed, with your partner kneeling or standing on the floor at the foot of the bed. Try different things, and you will come across something that works for both of you. 如果男上女下的体位变得更像攀爬珠木拉嘛峰那么艰难,你可能需要再自己考虑你该怎样继续。也许你可能想颠倒一下位置,让你的伴侣在下位,而不是你。另一个选择,也是可以减轻你腹部压力的叫做SPOON的姿势。你们侧躺在一起,你的伴侣在你身后。另外,你可以爬在床尾,你的伴侣跪在床边或者站在地上。试着用不同的方式,你将会找到你们俩都舒适的办法。
Will sex bring on labor? 性爱会引起分娩么?
The answer to this depends on whom you talk to. Many doctors and midwives will tell you that there is no way to bring on labor (for the full-term pregnancy), like a daily dose of love. Studies show that there is a chemical in semen, which will soften the cervix, and aid in the onset of labor. However, if your water has broke, you should definitely abstain from sexual intercourse. Once your water breaks, you are at an increased risk for infection. Otherwise, it can't hurt to try! 这个答案则是决定于你所讨论的人。许多医生和助产士会告诉你没有任何其他的办法引起早产(对于全期的怀孕)。性爱就象是每日爱的一剂药。研究中表明,在精子中有一种化学物质,可以软化子宫颈,并且在分娩中有帮助。然而,如果你的羊水破了,你就绝对要停止性行为了。如果你的羊水破了,你就有可能增加感染的几率。否则,试试无妨!
There are as many questions as there are pregnant women. If you have any concerns, discuss them with your doctor. But remember that love is what brought you to this place in your lives. Making love, intimacy and romance should not stop, simply because you are pregnant. They may need "revamped" a bit, but they need not stop. Discuss all of your feelings and concerns with your partner, and remember that where there's a will, there's a way!